Elementary Program
Ages 6 to 12
Kindergarten to Fifth Grade
The elementary program provides a full expression of the Montessori principles of self-directed, individualized learning in a truly integrated curriculum. By building on the basic skills acquired in the pre-school program, the elementary child now moves from the concrete to abstract reasoning. By the time students graduate from the elementary program, they have evolved from four-year-olds manipulating sandpaper letters, golden beads and sound cylinders into twelve-year-olds performing advanced science experiments, reciting Shakespeare and calculating the squares of binomials and trinomials. Montessori School House Elementary School follows the curriculum Standards laid down by California Department of Education.
The Montessori School House Elementary program balances the child’s developing imagination and powers of abstraction with concrete hands-on materials. Children learn at their own individual pace.
Language is an important component in the elementary curriculum. In this fully integrated curriculum, the student practices reading and writing skills through research in geography, history and science. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, word study and reference skills are introduced upon mastering basic reading and writing.
The student still uses manipulative materials to master abstract mathematical operations, but now progresses to working with fractions, decimals and geometry. When the child realizes that mental processes are faster than manipulating materials, the materials soon are discarded.
Social Studies
Fully integrated to reflect the interconnection of life, the human relations curriculum includes geography, history, science, anthropology, geology, music, art and other related subjects.
Once a fortnight elementary students visit the Rancho Cucamonga Library for library instruction, literature enrichment, and “Great Books” discussions. In addition to checking out books for their own personal use on a bi-weekly basis, students use the school library during the school days for classroom reading and research.
Classes are designed to follow the California curriculum standards by teaching theory followed by practical science experiments. The curriculum focuses on four strands: Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science, and Process Skills. Elementary science instructional program provides opportunities for students to develop understandings and skills necessary to function productively as problem-solvers in a scientific and technological world. Students are constantly involved in the exploration and inquiry-based investigation of scientific concepts.
Classes are designed to enhance the elementary program. Students learn skills in keyboarding, computer literacy, computer applications (word processing, spreadsheets, and digital photography) and using the Internet. Special attention is given to the development of problem-solving strategies, critical thinking skills, and memory building.
Children participate in two concerts a year, Winter Concert and Spring Concert. Whole concert and the graduation program are hosted by the children. Spring Concert is held at an outside large auditorium to give the children an experience in performing in front of a large crowd. Children learn Hip-hop, Jazz ballet and other popular dances.
The music program consists of singing, tone matching, and performing in front of a large audience during Spring Concert, Winter Concert, Thanksgiving and on International Day.
Physical Education
Gymnastics, rhythm and dance combined with team sports, such as basketball, soccer, baseball, football and volleyball, give students a wide range of skills and knowledge. In addition to weekly physical education classes, every class has scheduled outdoor activity every day.