
If we trust that the child comes into the world with his unique plan for life and that it is he who will unfold before us, then we know that these first six years are crucial for his self development. It is now that the imprints are deepest. He begins his work of living life on earth by taking from, and adapting to his environment and thus creates the man he is to become.

Children are always eager, spontaneous learners curious about the world around them. And you, the parent, are your child’s first teacher. At your knee your child spoke his or her first word, took the first step and heard the first story. The Montessori School House is an extension of the education you have begun at home. We at Montessori view education as an aid to life, as a process. Our role is to preserve and nurture your child’s natural curiosity and to develop an openness to the limitless possibilities of life.

 We believe that children learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Children not only learn, but thrive in an environment that is specially prepared to meet their physical, cognitive and social needs, and satisfy their intrinsic interests. Our curriculum offers children freedom of choice in a dynamic, energized classroom where learning is tangible. Teachers prepare the classrooms and supervise and guide children in learning their age appropriate levels or more.

 In the Montessori classroom, your child is in a total learning environment - the equipment, the activities, and the teachers all work together to support and encourage learning and growth: your child's discovery of his or her potential for success.

Through the use of special Montessori classroom materials, we help the child see, hear, and feel concrete examples of the abstract principles of mathematics, reading, and writing.

In developing the many different areas of a child's mind, we encourage a child to be mentally alert and inquisitive, physically strong and coordinated, emotionally secure and positive in attitude.